The app Trip Group Money (in other words the total budget) helps keep track of costs groups of travelers.
Very often during the trip hard to spread the cost of people (participants of the trip, hike the countryside or in a restaurant :)). The app helps you plan your finances regardless of the payer, as a result of expenditure will be distributed equally between the parties to the flow rate.
- Optimal implementation places the participants and their overall spending.
- Allows you to build the final reports on the costs of the trip and sent to email.
- Intuitive interface and ease of use.
- E-mail Report.
Aplikasi Trip Grup Uang (dengan kata lain total anggaran) membantu melacak kelompok biaya wisatawan.
Sangat sering selama perjalanan sulit untuk menyebarkan biaya orang (peserta perjalanan, mendaki pedesaan atau di restoran :)). Aplikasi ini membantu Anda merencanakan keuangan Anda terlepas dari pembayar, sebagai akibat dari pengeluaran akan didistribusikan secara merata antara pihak untuk laju aliran.
- Pelaksanaan Optimal menempatkan peserta dan belanja mereka secara keseluruhan.
- Memungkinkan Anda untuk membangun laporan akhir tentang biaya perjalanan dan dikirim ke email.
- Antarmuka intuitif dan kemudahan penggunaan.
- E-mail Laporan.
The app Trip Group Money (in other words the total budget) helps keep track of costs groups of travelers.
Very often during the trip hard to spread the cost of people (participants of the trip, hike the countryside or in a restaurant :)). The app helps you plan your finances regardless of the payer, as a result of expenditure will be distributed equally between the parties to the flow rate.
- Optimal implementation places the participants and their overall spending.
- Allows you to build the final reports on the costs of the trip and sent to email.
- Intuitive interface and ease of use.
- E-mail Report.